Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Few Thoughts on Poinsettas and Being Present

It's official.  Two beautiful poinsettias have made their way to our little cottage, my Johnson Bros "Merry Christmas" plates are unpacked, and I am enjoying my first cup of Stumptown coffee in one of the mugs that has a picture of a candle lit tree in front of a fireplace.


Autumn is truly my favorite time of year and this year in particular seemed to make its appearance and then be over with much too quickly.  That being said, I am extremely thankful for the holly-day season that help to fill the colder, bleaker days with wonder and fun while the last of the leaves make their way to the ground. It is also the perfect time of year to practice being "present" as well as initiating a state of perplexedly within myself.  My daily "to do" list is usually quite full. Add to that all of the wonderful things that one would like do do during this special season, being able to stay "present" and enjoy every moment with our loved ones and friends is easier said than done. However I believe it IS possible and so worth it!  The days of the season then contribute to our mental stash of fond recollections instead of despair over what could-of, should-of, might-of happened differently.

What about holiday music?
I would take a guess that the majority of people dread when their favorite radio station becomes overtaken by scores of "Jolly-Holly" music.
It doesn't have to be that way!  I treat myself each year to a new CD (this year it's Pink Martini's new Joy to the World album)  and then rely on Pandora (it's free on your computer) to supplement.  That's right, you are the DJ that chooses the music that suits your soul and spirit.  I have come up with a few  stations that are just right for me.  Chanticleer (Holiday) and Winter Solstice Radio both play quiet reflective, Gregorian type of music, reminiscent of what one might hear as they quietly slip into an old church on a Christmas Eve.  I also love the Trans-Siberian Orchestra (Holiday) station.  Who would think that electric guitars, violins and some very impressive drumming would create such magical Holiday music?

Every so often I need to re-read a book that helps me along with my life's journey and one that comes to mind during this time is year is The Precious Present by Spencer Johnson.

During this magical month I plan to give myself the gift the moments.
And I will embrace all of them!