Wednesday, May 01, 2013

PPP & Animated GIF's!!!

So what exactly is an Animated GIF?
One word comes to mind (actually two)...Magical Moment.
An animated GIF is a short, like 3 second short, video, without sound, that can make your moment dynamic.  Think Harry Potter, where the photographs seemed "alive".
We just re-released (upgraded) our Picture Perfect Postcard App with this way cool feature!  Not only can you send via cyber space OR actually mail a real hold it in your hand greeting, you can NOW create a moving salutation!  At the moment the animated GIF's can only be sent to someones email or tumblr site, but hopefully soon there will be more! (website)

Check it out!  We have PROMO codes that we would be most happy to share with you should you decide to try the app out yourself!  Just message me and I will send it on it's way!