Saturday, March 24, 2012

Nourishing Neighbors

 NN table at the Hillsdale Farmers Market

Nourishing Neighbors.
That's what we call ourselves.
logo (that Nate designed!)
It's actually quite remarkable when I reflect back that our small (yet very dedicated) group has been together THREE YEARS helping out a local Emergency Food Box Program!  We started out participating in a food canvass for the EFBP to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Day.
That was back in January 2009.      
Since that time, our little (there are only five of us!) group has maintained a year round presence at a local Farmers Market collecting monetary as well as food donations. Every $1 collected purchases FIVE pounds of food for the EFBP at the Neighborhood House.
After that first food canvas it was difficult to see the need and not continue to help in some fashion.  When we were offered table space at the market, we knew what we wanted to do.  Since that time we have put together several other canvasses, and maintain a collection barrel at a Food Cooperative Grocery Store, however I think it's our consistent presence at the market that renders the most success.
Last year we collected almost $3000! That's 15 thousand pounds of food!
In the year 2006-07 the Neighborhood House distributed 3008 Emergency Food Boxes.  That number soared to 8112 for the year 2010-11.
More than double.     
Times may be difficult for many of us however I have to admit that it does my heart good to be able to make an impact with fighting hunger within our own neighborhood.  Sharing literature and keeping the donation jar readily available seems (and is) an eazy-beezy way to make a difference.
Neighbors helping Neighbors.


Hema Penmetsa said...

It must give you so much satisfaction to be able to share with your neighbors! My daughter and I volunteer our hours at a local food pantry. Even though we can't go as often as we'd like to, the few hours we can spend there are worth it every singe time....

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

You are doing a wonderful thing! I think helping locally is so important.