Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Picture Perfect Postcards!!

We've "hatched" another app!  Picture Perfect Postcards made its debut in the Apple App Store on Saturday November 24th!   This one promises to be FUN, CREATIVE and USEFUL when sharing your favorite pictures and special salutations! And it's only $0.99!  You can send your personalized picture greetings to Facebook, Twitter, Flicker or an Email account.
But Wait!! There's more!
What's even cooler about the app is that it has the ability to send a "hold in the recipients hand" copy of your postcard!  That's right you can actually choose one of the options that allow you to MAIL (the old fashioned way) your postcard!  It's an additional cost of $1.99 (domestic) or $2.99 (international) fee per card.
Nate designed the app to be easy-beezy to use as I personally am not too savvy at figuring out computer doodlidoos and prefer to just select and send! 
Here is the link to the app:

THANK YOU for your support!!
*my apologies for sounding like an inter-com ad in a store!  :)
However we are sort of excited about our newest "baby"!
 (plus Nate promised to work on doing an animated picture book of William G. Quail after this app was completed!!)

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